

Minibus to Van from Ercis

We stayed in Ercis and went to another lakeside town called Van the next day. Transport from Ercis to Van is easy. It se...

Travelling to Hosap Castle and Cavustepe

We spent the day visiting Hosap Castle and Cavustepe and used a combination of minibus (dolmus) and hitchhiking to see t...

Hitchhiking in Turkey

Hitchhiking is easy in Turkey, especially when there is only limited public transportation available of if you don't wan...

Ahlat Seljuk Cemetery and Museum

Ahlat is located a 30 km (25 TRY) dolmus ride away from Tatvan in Eastern Turkey. The Seljuk cemetery is quite spectacul...

Do you have to go to the Bus Station 13 kms away to buy tickets?

One of the things I like about travelling is the need to be creative in solving challenges.  They come up all the time a...

Sightseeing in Diyarbakir

Diyarbakir is a great place to walk around and see the various sites, including mosques, churches and bazaars. We were t...

Seeing the sites in (Sanli)Urfa

Urfa is an important tourist destination for many Turkish people, largely because it's said to be the birthplace of Abra...

What to do in Mardin

Mardin is a city filled with beautiful architecture and has been the home to people from various religions over the year...

A day in Gazientep

There's a lot to see in Gazientep including Museums, mosques, bazaars and parks. You can walk to every place we visited....

Bus Adana to Gazientep

The bus from Adana to Gazientep is fast, cheap and comfortable. After visiting friends in Adana we took a bus to Gazient...