We hitchhiked from Karacasu to Aphrodisias and it was fast and easy.
We hitchhiked from Karacasu to Aphrodisias

We had walked three kms down from the town of Karacasu to Elmas Pansiyon (guesthouse) and in the morning continued to walk 1 km down to the main road.
Is hitchhiking easy in Turkey?
I have travelled a lot in Turkey over the years and it’s a country where I have often hitchhiked, but all of this was more than 25 years ago. We weren’t sure how it would go post-Covid and this was our first attempt on this trip

In the end hitchhiking was easy and we hitchhiked in and out of Aphrodisias. We only had to wait about 15 minutes to get a ride in a minibus the 9-10 Kms to Aphrodisias. Our ride was in a school minibus and I think the driver was just setting out to pick up the children.the bus was empty.

We thanked our driver when we arrived, drank some Turkish coffee and then walked the 500 metres to the entrance to Aphrodisias.
Hitchhiking caution
Hitchhiking is not necessarily the safest way to travel and you should be aware of some of the risks before doing it!