Travelling from Kratie to Stung Treng


Stung Treng is a town in north-east Cambodia, in the Stung Treng Province. It has a population of approximately 37,000 (2019).

It is located north along the Mekong River from Kratie and travelled to Stung Treng on the day before heading west towards Siem Reap.

The distance from Kratie to Stung Treng is 137 km, a minibus journey of about 3 hours.

Bus from Kratie to Stung Treng

Bus station in Kratie

Buses to Stung Treng leave from Kratie bus station. Krachie bus station is located to the east of Krong Kracheh Pagoda, which stands near the Mekong River waterfront. We arrived at this bus station when we came to the city from Kompong Cham.

The buses are actually minivans, a larger version of a shared-ride taxi. The scheduled departure time was 8am. When we asked at the bus station, we were told that the fare to Stung Treng was USD 6.

It is possible to have the transfer from Kratie to Stung Treng arranged at a guesthouse, but this will cost more. Guesthouses were quoting USD 10.

Boarding the bus from Kratie to Stung Treng

Bus to Stung Treng

We got to the bus station shortly after 7am because sometimes transport can leave early. Bus tickets can be bought there at the ticket desk, or you can pay the driver directly.

The departure time was 8am and we still had enough time to eat breakfast first. When we returned, the bus was being loaded and our backpacks were loaded in the back.

Inside the bus

The bus is a 13-seater minivan and was still newish with clean red seats.

Arrival in Stung Treng

Stung Treng bus station

We left the bus station in Kratie almost on time, just after 8am, but it takes a while as it picks up passengers along the way.

The road from Kratie to Stung Treng was super smooth.

Arrival in Stung Treng was at almost 11am and so took just under three hours.

The bus station in Stung Treng is located to the north of the market. We were dropped off just before it, close to the guesthouse where we would be staying.
